
If you're having issues with Right Height, there are a few ways to get help.

Community Support

You can ask questions and get help from a community of developers on GitHub Issues.

Before posting, do a search to make sure your issue or questions hasn't already been reported or discussed. If no matching issue exists, go ahead and create one. Please be sure to include all of the following:

  1. A clear, descriptive title (ie. "A bug" is not a good title).
  2. A reduced test case.
    • Clearly demonstrate the bug or issue.
    • Include the bare minimum HTML, CSS, and JavaScript required to demonstrate the bug.
    • A link to your production site is not a reduced test case.
  3. The browser and OS that you're using.

Duplicates and issues without a reduced test case may be closed without comment.

Premium Support

Premium Support gives your direct access to me by email to answer any specific questions or issues you have.

Get Premium Support

Custom Support

If you want to customize Right Height to better meet your needs, I can help. Send me an email at with the details.

Feature Requests

Please post feature requests on GitHub Issues and clearly mark it as a feature request. Provide as much detail as you can.

If there's a feature listed there already that you'd like to see incorporated into the plugin, add your support.