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Getting Started


There are three ways to use Kraken with your project:

  1. Download Kraken directly from GitHub.
  2. Clone Kraken from GitHub:
  3. Install Kraken from GitHub using your favorite package manager: npm install kraken-css

Working with CSS

The stylesheets in the dist directory contain CSS variables (also known as custom properties) that you can modify to change the colors, typefaces, and sizes for your project.

 * Configs
:root {

    /* Colors */
    --color-primary: #0088cc;
    --color-primary-dark: #005580;
    --color-secondary: #377f31;
    --color-secondary-dark: #2C6327;
    --color-code: #dd1144;
    --color-highlight: #fbf9c9;

    --color-black: #272727;
    --color-white: #ffffff;
    --color-gray-dark: #808080;
    --color-gray-darker: #555555;
    --color-gray-medium: #B8B8B8;
    --color-gray-light: #e5e5e5;
    --color-gray-lighter: #f7f7f7;

    /* Fonts */
    --font-primary: "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif;
    --font-monospace: Menlo, Monaco, "Courier New", monospace;

    /* Sizes */
    --font-size: 100%;
    --spacing: 1.5625em;
    --container-width: 88%;
    --container-max-width: 80em;

Page Width
The .container class sets the width for page content. Adjust the --max-width property to set the maximum width of the page.
Font Stack
The body element sets the typeface for the entire set. By default, the font stack is Helvetica Neue, Arial, and sans-serif. The two exceptions are pre and code elements, which use a monospace stack. Adjust as desired.
Typographic Scale
Kraken uses a fluid typographic scale. You can scale the size of all site elements proportionately by adjusting the --font-size property on the body element, which is set to 100% by default.
The color palette is used to style text, buttons, forms, and form. Adjust to suit your design.
Breakpoints (used throughout)
CSS variables cannot be used in media queries, so these are hard-coded through the stylesheet.

Extra Small: 20em
Small: 30em
Medium: 40em
Large: 60em
Extra Large: 80em

Working with Sass

Kraken's Sass files are located in the src/scss directory.

The compiled CSS in the dist directory can be built from the command line by running npm install, then npm run css, or using your favorite Sass compiler.

File Structure


The _config.scss file contains variables for all of the colors, font stacks, breakpoints, and sizing used in Kraken. It also contains settings for the grid.

 * Configs
:root {

    /* Colors */
    --color-primary: #0088cc;
    --color-primary-dark: #005580;
    --color-secondary: #377f31;
    --color-secondary-dark: #2C6327;
    --color-code: #dd1144;
    --color-highlight: #fbf9c9;

    --color-black: #272727;
    --color-white: #ffffff;
    --color-gray-dark: #808080;
    --color-gray-darker: #555555;
    --color-gray-medium: #B8B8B8;
    --color-gray-light: #e5e5e5;
    --color-gray-lighter: #f7f7f7;

    /* Fonts */
    --font-primary: "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif;
    --font-monospace: Menlo, Monaco, "Courier New", monospace;

    /* Sizes */
    --font-size: 100%;
    --spacing: 1.5625em;
    --container-width: 88%;
    --container-max-width: 80em;


// Breakpoints
$bp-xsmall: 20em;
$bp-small: 30em;
$bp-medium: 40em;
$bp-large: 60em;
$bp-xlarge: 80em;